I always thought that Musharraf had too much arrogance in
him. Yes, arr
ogance and not swagger - these are two different things. Recall
his naked threat to Bugti? Or his cruel indifference and barely concealed
warning to BB about him holding the reins of her security? Not to forget his
strategic fiasco called Kargil, which almost lead to a full blown war between
Nuclear powers. In the end, the country paid the price for his poor judgments.
The litany of his blunders makes for a somber reading.Musharraf’s crimes are many. Top of the list is his sheer incompetence. It makes one shudder that this is the type of Generalship that runs the world's fifth biggest nuclear powered military? From the Kargil disaster to the loss of territory to Taliban and, from his double dealings in Afghanistan to his delayed action on Laal Masjid, Musharraf has left an indelible mark of sheer incompetence in his wake. This is the man who was at the top of his game prior to the summer of 2007. He held all the cards yet barely a year later he was out of office and his chief nemesis were running the country and calling the shots. If there ever is a book: How Not to Run a Country for Dummies, then Musharraf would star in it with his many follies.
The problem with Musharraf was exactly what had inflicted
his Khaki predecessors; they all wanted to feel legitimized. May be Pakistan
should have gotten a true dictator or a democrat. Every dictator which comes to
rule this country ends up trying to be a democrat. May be it is because we as a
diverse nation are too temperamental in nature to bear a fearsome dictator like
some other countries.
Musharraf had a chance to make history especially after the
golden opportunity which was served up post 9/11. He could have shelved the
Jihadi legacy of Zia and sorted his generals out to ditch the bankrupt
strategic depth doctrine and solidify a strategic partnership with the
Americans for economic development. Instead, he went on to play double games. Running
with the hare and hunting with the hound can get you only so far. As the world
watched, Pakistan’s Talibanisation began with a blood fest. First the FATA
tribal areas fell followed by the formation of the fearsome TTP that went on to
capture and rule Swat – inside Pakistan proper. The mere fact that the
cancerous spread of Taliban and the Jihadi ideology may blowback never stirred
the imagination of our strategic geniuses in Rawalpindi. During all this
Musharraf continued to believe his own rhetoric and the ultimate lie which he
made into a slogan – Pakistan first. It was anything but Pakistan first. His
experiment with sham democracy is another miserable tale.
Musharraf left in his wake a country in a near civil war.
The Baloch insurgency, the most potent in years due to his making a martyr out
of Bugti and ceding the control of North West Pakistan to Taliban are some of
the highlights of his misrule. There are many others such as covering up the
whole Abdul Qadir Khan nuclear fiasco. This is his legacy yet he still has the
gall to blame the politicians. Today Musharraf is nothing but an old man: still
living in the fantasy of his imagined importance. He continues to rely on the
army as pressure on him to be tried piles up. At most he is nothing but an
embarrassment for the all-powerful army.
An insightful critique and one of the best written articles on Gen. Musharraf about his failings as a leader, the opportunities he missed to capitalize upon for the good of nation and the wrong choices he made that are the root cause of present day mess we are in as a nation. The writer beautifully combines her acuity and rich expression to provide the reader with a compelling yet true portrait of a leader who not only failed the nation he had chosen to lead but in the end caused his own fall from grace.
@Amrinder - Thank you for your kind comments. It is indeed very unfortunate that Musharraf failed to do the right thing when he had all the power in the world to change the course of Pakistan's history.
A very well written summary of the dictator's shenanigans. It's pretty amusing to see the messiah complex that grips some of these gents in their twilight years. If he had any common sense, he would go away and never come back. He's only turning himself into a clown and a sad one at that.
Anyway, keep writing and hope to read more from you. :)
Having known the Gentleman personally I can assure that many of your deductions and analysis are faulty.Moreover you ought to have given him some credit for the rapid economic development of the country as compared the later government of LUTERAS and now that of SHOPKEEPERS. He made two major mistakes though, first the NRO and second siding with PMLQ. It was characterless Pakistani politicians who scavenged in the end on the achievements of Musharraf.
Times have changed for the better in Pakistan. Airing one's opinions about Military dictators, and that too in public, was once an impossibility. Not anymore though. It is through public discussions and debates about the rule of a military dictator of this sort that we can hope to one day reach a point where coups would not be acceptable and where people like Gen. Musharraf would have to think twice before even contemplating a take-over.
This is a very well written article about all that this man has done, most of which, is at the root of the chaos and the mess that we find ourselves in these days. I'd hope that you'll continue to write.
There are still those among us who actually not only justify dictatorships but who also make it a point to quote examples of apparent 'progress' by the country under dictators. Hopefully, such segments of the society will one day realize, that no amount of progress made can compensate for the fact that abrogation of the constitution to rule through a dictatorship, achieved by a military coup can never be acceptable.
Mr Khushal if 99% people in this country would love to live under a dictator if toamtoes willbe sold at 200 rs per kilo. Western democracy is a farce, a sham which is selectively applied by the Illuminati in selected areas of the world to acheive their goals. Muders of Kennedyand lady Diana are just two examples where democracy becomes a tool in the hands of people running the world government. When will Pakistanis realize that democracy is the biggest of satanic enticements to befool the people and distract them from the path of Khilafah ?
Now the repercussions of putting Musharraf to trial have started to surface
Nothing will happen Folks,dont live in fools paradise.nothing is goin to happen to musharraf. Everything is planned. First of all musharraf came here with the assurance of Saudis and US. It may be his popularity stunt. Media is trying to make this issue bigger than its impact so dont speculate and It is based on reality which you have covered in your above mentioned article and its merely on my own analysis that i have written..
Muhammad Waqas Aslam
But in the process the damage being caused by fools like Khawaja Asif is irreparable and irreverasable
I guess this forum is fucked.
silence afterall
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