Friday, April 10, 2009

Just a job?

My job is getting frustrating day by day. I didn't even need to work when i started but now it has become a part of me. It's sort of my identity, something different from my life other than a dumbed out housewife. I am still eager to please like i have been all my life in all my other relationships. I have been very competitive in my job and have worked very hard to establish myself here. I did recognize that i did not have a job experience prior to coming over here and with that in mind i put in extra effort so that after the probation time period my efforts would be recognized. I was promised initially a review meeting after the end of the first 3 months. It's been more than 5 now and the higher ups keep delaying it. All i seek is a better position, not even a high pay. They know that i am not working for money. I am just sick of it, but than maybe they have recognized the weakness that i have for this job.

I am especially mad at my VP, who is a egoistic bitch. She has nothing better to do in her life than to make sure that everyone else is feeling lousy. i did not want to write about work earlier on but now i feel the urge to express my frustration.


Unknown said...

some VPs really do hav nothing to do but frustrate others...

hopefully they will hav some sense knocked into them soon and recogniz u for your efforts !

hugs and kisses!

WritingsForLife said...

ergh... why is pakistan all over the place in everything?!

aasim said...

take my advice, leave this job and become a freelance journalist, you do not need this job, job is slavery, if I could afford it I wud have left my job long time back

Scheherazade said...

@Aasim - I would rather stay up and fight on.

Mustafa said...

I think Aasim is giving some excellent advise.

Windstorm said...

chin up, luscious one. you've got the right idea. you gotta fight it to get rid of it, ignoring it will strengthen the belief that the weak will never grow strong, that people such as yourself will always remain submissive.

go you. pakistan needs your spark.
all the best.