I walk outside to the office hallway and i see the grey skies filled with the promise of the summer rain. Somehow they evoke a feeling of nostalgia in me..A nostalgia of the years gone by.The summer heat, the school vacations, monsoon rains, the husky voice of Bryan Adams playing on my Walkman and the Cranberries. I guess the Pakistan of my childhood has changed. Memories are what we are all left with in the end.They make me happy even if it is for a while, I never had any real happiness in childhood. It's a not a note of self-pity but merely a fact. I think about life as a charge of happiness runs through me. But i am always afraid of being too happy - sensing a disappointment just a moment away. happiness that is stifled by others, choked by the limitations of a hypocritical society. This was just an emotional outburst.
I am glad you have memories to look back at. Some people dont even have that :-)
@Raaji - Everyone has some kind of memories. We all like to keep the good ones while the bury the bitter ones..
it is sad though.. one just cannot return to that !
Funny, I was having a conversation with someone about looking at the past earlier today. Some memories, both relatively recent and from a previous century, seem so immediate and warm that your heart skips a beat. The lumpy heart also grows heavy on how time flies. That hauntingly vivid seemed to have happened just..yesterday.
Then again, certain memories come from a moment in time that seems removed light years away. Linear time is one tricky trail to keep track of.
I had a happy childhood. Ridiculously ordinary but a happy one nonetheless. It haunts you for the rest of your life.
'I never had any real happiness in childhood. It's a not a note of self-pity but merely a fact. I think about life as a charge of happiness runs through me.'
Come on Luscious, you are being ungrateful to your LORD now
@Anonymous - Not being ungrateful just reflecting my thoughts.
I guess the rain always does take you on a 'time-travel' whether its the recent past or one's childhood. "The memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime"
When we are kids, we wanna become adults in a hurry, when we turn adults, we wanna be kids all over again....vicious cycle at work always
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